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- To identify and promote innovative solutions that address sustainability, inclusivity, and resilience in tourism and hospitality.
- To engage students in critical thinking and problem-solving related to current global challenges and future opportunities in the industry.
Proposal Structure
Executive Summary
- Briefly outline the problem, proposed solution, and expected outcomes.
- Word Limit: Maximum 300 words.
- Keywords: Maximum 4 keywords.
- Background of the problem.
- Relevance to the selected theme(s)
- Research Questions/Research Purposes
Literature Review
- Discuss existing solutions for the problem and their limitations or weaknesses.
- Present theoretical frameworks that support the proposed solution.
- Describe the research design, including plans for data collection and analysis.
Proposed Solution
- Provide a detailed description of the proposed solution.
- Summarize key points.
- Discuss implications for the tourism and hospitality industry.
- List scholarly articles, reports, and other references cited in theproposal.
- The reference style should follow the APA 7th (see guidelines here): (https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/index.html)
Note: Not included in the 1,000-word limitation.
Appendices (if applicable)
- Include additional material like charts, graphs, or preliminary research data.
Submission Guidelines
- Proposals must be submitted in written form.
- Word Limit: Maximum of 1,000 words (excluding references and appendices).
- Language: English.
- Reference Style: APA 7th Edition.
- Font: Times New Roman.
- Main Text: 12-point.
- Title: 14-point and bold.
- Line Spacing: Double-spaced.
- Page Numbering: Positioned at the right upper corner, starting from the title page.
- Title Page: Should include the project title, author's name, affiliation, and contact information.
Evaluation Criteria
- Relevance to Theme(s): 20%
- Innovation and Creativity: 20%
- Feasibility: 20%
- Scholarly Rigor: 20%
- Presentation and Clarity: 20%